The heartbreaking story of Aaron Taylor unfolds, detailing his tragic death on Christmas Day. Discover the mysterious fire that led to his demise and the struggles he faced as a homeless individual, affectionately known as 'Homeless Jesus.' The investigation reveals troubling connections and challenges, with witnesses reluctant to come forward. Betrayal from those he considered friends complicates the case even further. As new evidence surfaces, the pursuit of justice highlights the urgent need for awareness regarding violence against the homeless.
Aaron Taylor, a homeless man, tragically lost his life after being set on fire, highlighting the severe risks faced by those experiencing homelessness.
The ongoing investigation into Aaron's death is hampered by inconsistent witness testimonies and a lack of physical evidence against the suspected individuals.
Deep dives
The Tragic Death of Aaron Taylor
On Christmas Day 2007, in a suburban Phoenix strip mall, a horrific scene unfolded as Aaron Taylor, a man experiencing homelessness, was found engulfed in flames. Witnesses, initially disbelieving, rushed to call for help, but Aaron succumbed to his injuries shortly afterward. The police investigation began amidst a chaotic scene filled with disturbing evidence, including blood and burnt remnants of clothing. As they gathered evidence, police learned about Aaron's background, his struggle with alcoholism, and frequent harassment from a group of known troublemakers in the area.
Identifying Suspects
Investigators uncovered a group of individuals believed to be responsible for the ongoing harassment of Aaron, leading to their suspicion regarding their potential involvement in his fiery death. Among those named were two brothers, Nate and Max, along with Charlie and Donnie, all recognized as disruptive influences in the neighborhood. Several witnesses recalled witnessing this group frequently antagonizing Aaron, leading to speculations that they may have escalated their harassment to the tragic event of setting him on fire. Despite gathering considerable information, the police faced challenges in obtaining witness testimonies and concrete evidence connecting the suspects to Aaron's death.
Eyewitness Accounts and Evolving Stories
Eyewitness accounts revealed troubling variations in the narratives about Aaron's final moments, further complicating the investigation. Various witnesses recounted seeing Aaron drinking with the suspects before the incident, with one stating overheard remarks indicating a plan to get him very drunk. Over time, several individuals volunteered information, but inconsistencies arose, leading detectives to sift through a confusing web of rumors and hearsay. The stories dramatically shifted, especially when Robert, a key witness, later claimed to have seen someone carrying a gas can, marking a pivotal moment in the investigation.
The Case Remains Open
Despite the passing years, the tragic case remains unresolved, with investigators revisiting it multiple times but finding little new evidence. Notably, no ignitable liquids were discovered on Aaron’s clothing, but police have preserved DNA samples from potential suspects in hopes of future testing. As of the latest updates, many witnesses and suspects remain elusive, contributing to the ongoing frustration of Aaron's family who long to see justice served. The hope remains that new information will come to light, allowing for closure in this tragic case that starkly highlights the issues surrounding homelessness and societal neglect.
This episode was originally released in January 2023, and is one of seventeen episodes from the archives we’ll be bringing you every Thursday, now through top of next year. And now you know why... we’re going on tour! Get your tickets now at! <3
Aaron Taylor was 36 and experiencing homelessness when he was lit on fire on Christmas Day in 2007. Police think they know who’s responsible… but a lack of physical evidence…coupled with reluctant witnesses…has kept this case open for years. But multiple people know what happened…and investigators are hoping they’ll come forward.
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