Learn techniques for sustaining long conversations with girls, including using random word generators, practicing active listening and improvisation, and embracing change. Discover the importance of initiating conversations and pushing out of your comfort zone. Refine your approach and make clear intentions to meet the right women for you.
Holding a girl's interest through long conversations is a great way to stand out and create a connection.
When encountering another man speaking to the woman you are on a date with, it is important to assertively introduce yourself and gauge the woman's reaction.
Deep dives
Reaching Out After a Drunken Night
After getting drunk and blacking out, the listener is unsure if they should reach out to a girl they had a connection with. They are concerned about potentially acting like a jackass and are unsure how to answer questions about their dating app experiences.
Handling Another Man Talking to Your Date
When encountering another man speaking to the woman you are on a date with, it is best to interject yourself into the conversation and introduce yourself in a friendly and assertive manner. Gauge the woman's reaction and adapt accordingly.
Dealing with Anxiety in Dating
A listener who struggles with anxiety wants to know how to embrace their dating and sexual self. The advice given includes increasing volume, seeking therapy to address deeper underlying issues, and reframing the risk of rejection as the real risk in dating.
Reconnecting with a Connection
The listener met someone with a strong connection, but they left the country for six months. They are now unsure whether to reach out or wait for a potential meeting at a mutual friend's party. The advice is to be proactive and reach out, assess the woman's compatibility and intentions, and refine non-negotiables to increase opportunities.
One of the best ways to stand out to a girl is by holding her interest through long conversations. Especially these days, when being able to do so is becoming rarer and rarer. I'll walk you through a simple exercise you can do to get to the point of talking to any girl endlessly.