DEBATE: Is Divine Simplicity True? Gavin Ortlund vs. Ryan Mullins
Apr 22, 2024
Gavin Ortlund and Ryan Mullins debate divine simplicity, examining historical controversies and biblical interpretations. They explore God's nature, essence-energies distinction, Trinity compatibility, and the incarnation of Christ. The discussion delves into theological debates, analogical relations, biblical authorship, and adding attributes to God. The guests also discuss God's omniscience, extrinsic relations, divine conceptualism, and the importance of upholding God's uniqueness.
Creaturely logic's role in defining divine simplicity is debated.
There are concerns about radicalized interpretations of divine simplicity.
Different interpretations of historical figures' statements on God's attributes are analyzed.
The coexistence of divine simplicity with the incarnation is discussed.
Challenges to divine simplicity with the incarnation are highlighted, including the presence of accidents.
Biblical teachings implicitly support the principles of divine simplicity.
Deep dives
The Use of Creaturely Logic in Applying Divine Simplicity
The discussion centers around the use of creaturely logic in defining divine simplicity. Concerns are raised about when it's acceptable to apply creaturely logic and whether it's appropriate in understanding divine simplicity.
Focus on Thomistic View in Defining Divine Simplicity
There's a debate about the focus on Thomism in defining divine simplicity. One side argues that the strongest statements from various figures are being highlighted, potentially creating a radicalized version of divine simplicity.
Clarification on Alleged Caricature of Divine Simplicity
The debate questions whether there's a caricature or a radicalized view of divine simplicity in the discussion. Different interpretations of statements from historical figures regarding the attributes of God are analyzed.
Affirming Different Versions of Divine Simplicity
The conversation delves into the affirmation of different versions of divine simplicity. Various scholars are mentioned to have differing perspectives on the simplicity of God, including the acceptance of contingent properties within the concept of divine simplicity.
Compatibility of Divine Simplicity and Incarnation
The incarnation, where the Son assumes a human nature, coexists with divine simplicity. The divine immutability is maintained as the essence of God remains unchanged, even with the addition of a human nature. God is still 100% divine while assuming a human nature without detracting from deity.
Challenges Raised on Incarnation and Divine Simplicity
Some scholars argue that divine simplicity faces challenges with the incarnation. Richard Cross highlights two main issues: the presence of accidents with the incarnation, conflicting with divine simplicity's no accidents principle, and the real relation between God and the universe, impacting the relationship of the Son to his human nature. Additionally, the composite Christology approach of the incarnation poses another conflict with divine simplicity as it involves a composite being with parts
Biblical Support and Implications of Divine Simplicity
The biblical case for divine simplicity is seen through implicit teachings on God's ultimacy, absolute nature, and self-existence, reflecting the core principles of divine simplicity. Verses like 'I am the first and the last' and affirmations like 'God is love' can be understood as implications of divine simplicity, protecting crucial biblical affirmations about God's nature.
Historical Record and Different Religions
The historical record is cited to highlight the widespread acceptance of divine simplicity among Orthodox Christians before the 19th century. References to various religions are made to contextualize the debates and theological perspectives throughout Western history.
Ontological Framework and Distinctions Clarified
The argument challenges the notion that divine simplicity negates all distinctions in God by emphasizing a nuanced understanding that allows for personal distinctions within the Godhead. Quotes from medieval scholars highlight the compatibility of divine simplicity with distinctions.
Conceptual Clarity and Key Debates
The debate delves into technical discussions on the Trinity and the philosophy of identity to address misconceptions about divine simplicity. Emphasis is placed on the importance of referencing classical thinkers and maintaining accuracy in representing their views.
Arguments for Theistic Explanation
The necessity and uniqueness of God are argued to be adequately explained without reliance on divine simplicity. Various philosophers throughout history are referenced to support the idea that alternative explanations can account for God's essential characteristics effectively.