In Episode 622: UFO Invasion Of Belize, Niss describes her experiences after relocating from Toronto to Belize, In 2016. She embarks on a mystifying journey marked by a series of UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena. These experiences begin with the observation of an almond-shaped light in the sky, leading to numerous encounters with various lights and crafts displaying complex, interactive behaviors. Particularly intriguing are the appearances of portals in the sky, described as slits or door-like openings, through which the UFOs seem to emerge or disappear. Alongside these celestial events, the discovery of ancient Mayan ruins and artifacts on Niss’s property in Belize adds an intriguing historical dimension, suggesting a possible connection between the land's past and the ongoing, inexplicable aerial activities. This junction of mysterious UFO sightings, interdimensional portals, and historical artifacts weaves a compelling narrative that blurs the lines between the past and present, the earthly and the extraterrestrial.