How To Make Money With Purpose featuring Seth Godin and Erick Godsey #250
Mar 25, 2020
Experts explore transitioning from freelancing to entrepreneurship, serving uniquely, and choosing clients wisely. They discuss making money through unconventional paths, sharing genuine experiences on social media, and promoting a new CBD product. Embracing authenticity, taking bold leaps, and redefining learning in the digital age are key themes of this insightful podcast.
Embrace discomfort and vulnerability for authentic evolution and impactful change.
Focus on quality interactions with a niche audience for genuine engagement.
Understanding and connecting with the audience is crucial for effective communication in marketing.
Challenge traditional norms and embrace uncertainty for personal and collective growth.
Deep dives
The Power of Change and Tension Creation
Offering change in any form creates tension, both within oneself and in those to whom the change is offered. This tension signifies the discomfort of potential adaptation and transformation. It challenges individuals to consider new approaches and possibilities, bringing about a shift in perspectives and actions. Just as the introduction of Tesla disrupted existing automotive norms, invoking tension in luxury car owners to reconsider their choices.
Finding Your Genuine Audience and Creating Authentic Content
Identifying and connecting with a specific, dedicated audience is more impactful than targeting a broad demographic. Authenticity in content creation fosters genuine engagement and resonance with those who share similar values and interests. The focus should be on quality interactions with a niche group rather than appealing to the masses.
Empathy in Marketing and Resonance with True Fans
Empathy plays a crucial role in marketing, as understanding the audience enables effective communication and connection. The concept of 'true fans' emphasizes the significance of a loyal, dedicated following rather than widespread popularity. By resonating with a smaller group, one can create a substantial impact and support base.
Embracing Genuine Self-Expression and Handling Tension for Growth
Authentic self-expression often leads to tension within oneself and the community, challenging individuals to confront expectations and fears. Acknowledging this tension is essential for personal and collective growth, as it signifies the potential for transformation and progress. Embracing discomfort and vulnerability can pave the way for authentic evolution and impactful change.
Exploring Non-Traditional Relationship Paradigms
The podcast episode delves into the impact of unconventional relationship structures, particularly polyamory, on individuals and societal norms. It discusses how introducing alternative options can create tension among those adhering to traditional monogamous beliefs, highlighting the struggle between repression and exploring desires in relationships.
Confronting Imposter Syndrome and Taking Leaps
The episode addresses the concept of imposter syndrome, emphasizing the importance of embracing uncertainty and fear when pursuing new endeavors. It encourages individuals to view being an imposter as inherent in taking risks and leading, rather than a hindrance, promoting courage and the acceptance of imperfection in the learning process.
Challenging Traditional Education and Embracing Learning
The conversation challenges traditional education systems by distinguishing between education and learning, highlighting the limitations of compliance-based education in a rapidly evolving world. It advocates for a shift towards genuine learning, emphasizing the value of practical experience, self-directed learning, and adaptability over formal credentials for success in modern, non-compliant job markets.
With the economy shifting rapidly before our eyes, this podcast is incredibly timely. Seth Godin is one of the great business minds in the world, and his specialty is how to claim your own financial sovereignty by sharing your unique gifts with the world. Because of some audio issues, Erick Godsey and I discuss all of his key sentiments from this uniquely powerful recording. At the core of this podcast with Seth Godin is the concept Salto Mortale, the leap into the unknown. There are fears that are holding many people back from sharing their medicine with the world and we work to help you unpack them. If you want to be an indepreneur this podcast is for you. Head to to start your journey.