Elizabeth Krohn, an old friend of Whitley’s and popular Dreamland guest, is the primary author of the book Changed in a Flash: One Woman’s Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All, which she wrote with Jeffrey Kripal. Her book reflects on the experience she had when she was fatally struck by lightning in 1988, and the influence it has had on the way she lives life now. She is also one of the recent winners of the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies essay contest, and the only winner who drew on their own personal near-death experience in their essay.
Elizabeth begins the show with what may be best description of an NDE in the history of Dreamland. This deep and searching interview mines Elizabeth’s wisdom on topics such as why we must return to the physical world after we die and how we might finally break free of the cycle of reincarnation.
Whitley’s careful questioning and Elizabeth’s insightful answers offer a window into an experience we will all eventually know, which is what makes this such an important conversation. This brilliant discussion will change the way you think about death – and perhaps life too!