Matt McCusker, a modern comedian known for his fresh perspectives, shares his humorous takes on life's absurdities. He dives into the struggle of balancing fitness and parenting while combating distractions like gaming. The duo reflects on childhood mischief and how it shapes adult perspectives, along with a quirky look at society's sugar obsession. They also discuss the intersections of political tactics and personal health management, and contemplate the deeper meanings of spirituality and meditation in transcending ego. It's a blend of levity and introspection!
Matt McCusker, comedian and one of the most modern men Duncan has ever met, joins the DTFH!
You can listen to Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast wherever you get your podcasts! And you can learn more about Matt, including his upcoming tour dates, on his site: And check out Matt's first special, The Speed of Light, available in full on YouTube!