The second Review of Energy Market Arrangements or REMA, has been released - so what are the key takeaways that have arisen in this round and how could these changes impact battery energy storage?
In today’s episode, guest host Ed Porter is joined by Modo Energy’s Robyn Lucas and Wendel Hortop Over the conversation they discuss:
- The realities of zonal pricing for locational wholesale price signals.
- How the Contracts for Difference scheme could be adapted to support renewable energy growth whilst supporting system needs.
- Possible changes to settlement periods and how a more granular price signal would have a positive impact on batteries.
- Capacity Market reforms and why this is necessary for ensuring the secured capacity works in a net-zero future.
- Lithium-ion technologies role within the long-duration energy storage conversation.
Mentioned in this episode
How REMA is reinventing the markets with Ed Porter, Robyn Lucas and Alex Done
The return of REMA: five takeaways from the second consultation
Review of electricity market arrangements (REMA): second consultation
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