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Look, we’re all about a good segue here, and in this episode you’ll smoothly transition from looking cute at the gym to butt-cinching leggings to a childhood ass-slapping conundrum.
But that also gets Jess and Caroline in a deeper conversation about touching friends platonically. If you, too, are a person who finds hugging, cuddling—even laying your head on the shoulder of a friend—a little cringy, you’re not alone. Then we head into crazy dating and breakup stories, a weird misogynist in the wild, and an update on Caroline’s hauntings. Hope you’re wearing N4E colors like Jess!
This episode was produced by none other than our prince, Abi Newhouse. DM her for your audio editing needs!
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Intro Music: “Doja Dance” by PALA
DISCLAIMER: All opinions are our own. We are not therapists or health professionals, or professional of any kind, really. Please see your own professional or counselor for professional support. Do your research and be safe!