Slavoj Žižek discussing the problem of negation and self reflection of life in Hegel, the logic of desire, Lacans master signifier and the object small a, opera, the masturbatory circle and the sexual act, as opposed to authentic love, Lars von Trier and jouissance of the other, pornography and the point of identification. Slavoj Žižek speaking about the the philosophy by Alain Baidou, referring to a speech by Alain Badiou delivered the previous night on the three types of principle negation. Slavo Žižek lecturing about identity functioning as a void, and the idea of the object in perception, as well as the work of Lynn Margulis, Jacques Lacan, Jurgen Habermas, and Laura Kipnis. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland