In the United States, the weight loss industry rakes in billions of dollars every single year. Yet, data shows that most folks are unable to sustain their weight loss goals long-term, and very few of our citizens are metabolically healthy. What’s missing in this equation, and what can we do to help people create a sustainable, realistic healthy lifestyle?
Today’s guest, JJ Virgin, is passionate about helping others reach their weight loss goals and feel their best at any age. With nearly four decades in the health and fitness industry, JJ knows a thing or two about optimizing nutrition and exercise to create results. She is also a four-time New York Times bestselling author, podcast host, speaker, and media personality.
On this episode of The Model Health Show, JJ is sharing why focusing on weight loss doesn’t create results, and what to do instead. We’re covering topics like creating muscle mass, how to set protein goals, simple principles for healthy eating, and the stress-weight connection. JJ has so much invaluable wisdom and experience to share; I hope you enjoy this interview!
In this episode you’ll discover:
- What percentage of dieters typically achieve and sustain their weight loss goals.
- Why body composition matters when trying to lose weight.
- The benefits of having muscle on your body.
- Why building muscle increases your metabolism.
- What percentage of US citizens are metabolically healthy.
- Why weight alone is a meaningless number.
- The main macronutrient you should focus on.
- An important distinction between intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding.
- How many grams of protein you should aim to consume.
- Why processed foods can interrupt the natural process of intuitive eating.
- How to use a continuous glucose monitor as a tool for metabolic health.
- The relationship between stress and weight.
- JJ’s personal experience with meditation.
- Why exercise is a critical component for fat loss and overall health.
Items mentioned in this episode include:
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