This is the second installment in Eric's epic summer series covering the contentious and war-torn season of American history from 1914 to 1974. In this episode, he attempts to lift the topic of racial bigotry from the scrap heap of political spin. The pre-conditioning of both conservative and liberal thought on this matter has led to a senseless, ongoing, and seemingly unquenchable battle. As Christians, we mustn’t look at the issue of an oppressed people group through a political lens, but through the lens of the Word of God. The matters of racial interaction and racial sensitivity are perfectly suited to the makeup of the Church of Jesus Christ. It’s our opportunity to shine. After all, we are specialists in love, kindness, and caring for the underdog. And we should be world-renowned experts at ensuring no one is treated as lesser because of their clothing, their wealth (or lack of it), their education, and their skin color. There is a political machine that has grabbed this issue as its headliner, and we must not shy away from it because it has been weaponized to be used against us. As the Church, we must have wisdom, love, kindness, and care to seek a way to inject Jesus into this matter, and all matters pertaining to the oppressed, the downtrodden, the imprisoned, the naked, and the hungry.