Edition 77: A Digest of Michigan Women's Music and Arts Festivals 2022.
Both Thistle and Jenna got to gather with women in the woods of Michigan this Summer 2022. Both give their reports from a variety of women's lands and festivals in the great State of Michigan.
Hear Emiliann Lorenzen's world news headlines after Liz Miller's segment "Getting Organized" wherein she interviews Dawn Smith, founder and organizer of Michigan Framily Reunion (MFR). Then, stay tuned for Thistle's interviews with Jori Costello and Emily Faye, two women artists and musicians on women's lands and at women's gatherings this Summer in Michigan.
Jori Costello is a member of the band Big Bad Gina and instructor at WWTLC.org's festival called Women's Performance Initiative or WIPI Band Camp. Thistle met her on the Land where the original MichFest took place and they talked about WIPI and the mythos of Michigan in general as the rain pitter patters in the background, deep in the woods.
Emily Faye is a cross country traveler spreading love and cheer with her unique yoni art and booth she sets up on Women's lands. You might know her by the tick tick tocking of her old fashioned type writer where she furiously writes secret pages of unknown content. You can find her on the interwebs here: www.radicallybedazzled.com.
Finally, stay tuned for Thistle's commentary about the two Michigan gatherings she got to go to this Summer, one by bike! Her rendition of the classic Grateful Dead song "Brokedown Palace" is woven in with her words describing highlights and moments on the Land.
Enjoy and thanks, as always, dear listeners, for staying tuned to WLRN. To donate to the cause of feminist community powered radio WLRN, click here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ULAE4ZHPARLFE