One of your most valuable currencies isn’t money, talent, or even time.
It’s trust.
See how it can power better partnerships and more opportunities in this episode with Ken Bacon, Cofounder and Managing Partner at Railfield Partners and former Executive VP at Fannie Mae.
If you want to see how to build trust, extend it wisely, and see it return to you, then hit play now!
You’ll also learn:
- A negotiation strategy you probably haven’t heard before
- Two qualities of leaders who make good decisions
- Why your assumptions might be endangering your business
- The one thing no one tells you about success
Take your learning further. Get proven leadership advice from these (free!) resources:
The How Leaders Lead App: A vast library of 90-second leadership lessons to stay sharp on the go
Daily Insight Emails: One small (but powerful!) leadership principle to focus on each day
Whichever you choose, you can be sure you’ll get the trusted leadership advice you need to advance your career, develop your team, and grow your business.