How we feed babies and young kids greatly impacts their health, growth, and future. This affects not only the children but also women and society. While baby formula has its uses, and it literally be a life saver in certain circumstances, it also comes with significant health, economic, and environmental costs. On the other hand, breastfeeding has proven health benefits for both mothers and babies in high-income and low-income settings alike. Despite that, according to the World Health Organization, less than half of babies and young children are breastfed as recommended.
How did this happen?
According to a three-paper series published in The Lancet in 2023, the lack of breastfeeding is due to multifaceted and highly effective strategies used by commercial formula manufacturers of infant formula. The strategies are designed to target and influence parents, health-care professionals, and policy-makers.
This episode explores the roots of this problem: the infant formula industry in the early 20th century captured doctors and medical associations in order to sell their product. And when they reached the limit of infant formula market in the United States, they simply aggressively sold their powders to mothers in poor countries, with disastrous and deadly consequences.
Breastfeeding 2023
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The Baby Killer (1974)
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Why The Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Debate Is Especially Critical In Poor Countries
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Infant nutrition : a textbook of infant feeding for students and practitioners of medicine / by Williams McKim Marriott.
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