SHR # 2923:: Peptides and Skin Remodeling; The Cumulative Effects - Sherry Nelson - Debbie Barber - Terry Barber - Most people are impatient. Whether it's weight loss, building muscle or regaining health, they want to see results right now. The process takes time and consistency; and with time and consistency the desired results occur. The same is true of reversing the age-related changes to our skin. Using powerful peptides that have been shown in many studies to up-regulate the expression of youthful DNA and literally reverse age-related damage to skin also takes time but it happens and keeps on working. Those who stick with their use see the changes they desire. The effects build upon themselves. Meet Sherry Nelson, a model, actress, writer and all around beautiful person. She'll talk about her personal experience with one of our sponsors - @restoracellskincare - pure unsolicited advice and praise for their products. Also, founders Debbi and Terry Barber introduce you to their new branding and main brand name which launches this month - Vitali Skin Care. Same great products and more on the way. Use CODE SHR25 for25% off your purchase with @restoracellskincare @natalie.kopitzke.superhuman @xoxosherryxo @carl.lanore @fit_alisa @sponsor.superhumanradio @superhumanradio