Speaker 2
You see a lot of variants, i'm sure, from one person to the next when youre travelling around like that. And, you know, i always, a, i always think about that coswag when im group in wisconsin for 20 years, and i was teaching there for five years before i moved out to california, eventually phoenix and ow austins. I've bounced around a fair bit in the last and you know, when i was teaching, i'd have a student every once in a while who would be like, have never left the county? Like, what it is like the your perspective of ike, the world and life and people and general ora is going to be pretty like, miopic if you never left the county or the state, or something like that. So,
Speaker 1
i'd traveld such a a a for me, i guess the first time like that switch got flipped from me would have been in college, like in trackin field at elishu, cause we travelled a ton, and i got to explore cities and play around and do all this type of stuff. And you're luckily for track, because we're travelling like a hundred kids, and there's not enough coaches. They really give you a lot of leeway. Ansik, you're free to do whatever you want. We don't have curfew. We're not checking on you. But if you're stupid, you'll just never travel again.
Speaker 2
You'll lose thatright? And so
Speaker 1
it was, it was cool getin tos the cities. And then once i got out of that in a few years and finally into kind of a career, i was traveling doing outside sails. So i' spending 70 thousand miles in my truck and flying a lot. And so it's never quit. I'm so used to now. Like, ok, so i have four flights this month. I don't think anything of it, yes.
Speaker 2
And you just have a lot of up grades to first class, i'm sure.
Speaker 1
I've got a lot of airline miles've a fair shareof palie miles. I mean, we finish that trip in miami on, like, march fifteenth, and then a myself, brant and bonny, my team, we fly to patagonia on the seventeenth, and i'm home the 20 sixth. Like, i don't have time to go home and reset after a six day production shoot to go on a trip to patagonia for a