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What do you think looking back, you see, because you've left it at Mount North Sim is nuts, but for people listening, because you're the first kind of lady boss, kind of people with
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wear against her. Yeah. You're the first, you're probably the one and only that I've ever came across that there is something about you, your energy, it can be quite intimidating. So men would have probably felt fear from you. Really?
Speaker 1
Yeah, which is a proboscopy and thing like that. I think you'd have had men, you'd have had them eating out your hand for some reason, but which is mad. You probably know what I'm talking about. Yeah, in the past, yeah. What about love life now? Well, I'm living a nice, quiet life now. Who knows what the future holds. It must be a strong man anyway. Is there anybody brave enough? I think that is the golden question. I definitely think that's all. We'll put
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that in your day. Is there anybody brave enough? With the men who I think you've came across in your life, I think there is men out there and I think every man thinks they can tame a woman. They can't. No. You've donated to the New Year's and you're living proof for that. So
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when you started your free of life and started making changes, getting a bit of family life together, how was it, trying to change? What age did you get out, Linda? Um, I was 59.
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So how was it then coming out to society with everything kind of changing? Was it
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weird? It just seemed normal. Was
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Yeah, but very next day I was driving.
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Did people try and get you back involved?
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Too old people at other times. Yeah, the people that I used to do, even villains retire.
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Yeah, they get tired. They get
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tired too. They're
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dead. Who's the man, this person you've ever came across? Ron. Ron Kook. I've never heard the rest, man either. No. No. We see it, we see it friendly with any Richardson's craze, we see. He knew everybody. Was people scared of him? Yeah, everybody was scared of him.
Speaker 1
Everybody. And it's funny because when it happened, they set an incident room up in the school behind. And my sister worked in that school. And everybody was going, oh my God, who was it? And she thought, no, it's my sister's house. But she didn't want to say because she was in the school. And when the police come around and when you're not going to believe it, it's only Ron, you cook who's dead. And she said, the caretaker sweeping went, oh, the East End are being celebrated. No, I hit. That's my head on that. Yeah. People that feared of them. Yeah. They really were.
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Five feet eight, not a case. Yeah.
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What do you think now walking by a
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bank? Do you think that I could still take that on? No. Do you think the cameras in that now and everything, all the technology and all the...
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Oh, you couldn't do. You couldn't do what we used to do. Because I spoke to it. That's a
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bike on here, right? Yeah. But do you ever walk by and think, I could, I could. Oh, the
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occasions. I don't feel that. No, I don't think that. But sometimes I'll drive past somewhere and go, and I might say to him, and say, oh God, I robbed that. I can't. They go, you know, it's sort of... Whether you think, look back in your life, I know we have a laugh and I joke, but obviously some serious stuff. Whether you think that looking
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back and thinking, wow. Yeah. Oh,
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of course. We can't change it, can we? So you just gotta make the best of it. Just got a crack on. Yeah.
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can do. I've always been a glass half full. Yeah. Which is, you've got to be. It's
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quite a bit of money. You've got to concentrate on the positives. You're a lead down that life. That's a card you've been dealt. Yeah. You're still breathing though, so it's all down to you. They're saying. How you want to play the rest of your hand. That's all right. So, yeah. What about for anybody watching? I've never said this. She was looking at me and I was watching, I said, for any of the youth young kids, but for any,
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like, girls as well,
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because girls look up and want to be bad as well, and angry and do a bad ship. But for any advice for the youth. Yeah.
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Please don't. There's nothing glamorous about being locked in the prison cell. With that door shut behind you and you're stuck there and you've got people bullying you or you being the bully. And you're getting treated like rubbish a lot of the times. There's nothing glamorous. Think about it. Especially as I say, with Tony is the culture nowadays with this stabbing. So, it's terrible. Don't even think about it, kids. There's nothing good. One minute and you're in prison and they
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sit there for years. What do you think the generation know to 40 years ago? Do you think it was even though it's still violent then? But do you think it was more respect then? The other
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people know- It was violent then, but there was respect. And I know people go, oh yeah, all right. But there was, there was, I don't know why, there's not, in just everyday life, there's not the respect that there used to be. I mean, I remember when I was young and if you see somebody old get on a bus, you'd stand up for them to sit down or somebody pregnant or hold in a child or a man would hold a door open for you to walk through. And all those sort of things, it's very rare now that you actually do see these things. And I think, I don't know, there's a lot of kids who have been bought up and they've had drug addict parents, they've not had broken homes or they've had step-dad or step-mums that have been crap to them. And they hate the world and they think, so what, I can do this and I can do that. It's not the right thing to do.
Speaker 2
What, London, who, what days would you go for, London 19?
Speaker 1
London 19, don't go to that part. Give me a gun and go his room. Fuck me, man, what are all of the costal that? It's been the last 50 years, 40 years. But this is life. Linda, for coming on today, I don't normally say this, but I believe this is one of my best podcasts I've ever done.
Speaker 2
I've nearly done 200, your story is mind-blowing and it's mad, it's filling. Absolute madness in it. I couldn't remember if you were speaking the last few months and try to get your own, I know you've got your books or people going by it. Please
Speaker 1
buy my new book. And for coming on to the end, tell me your story, I finally enjoyed that. Thank you. Take care. God bless you. Thank you.
Speaker 1
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