Indie game consultant Joe Quadara (aka Joe Q) joined me on Ditching Hourly to share his journey from putting out fires for indie game studios to advising them to accurately scope and fund their projects.
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AI Summary:
In this episode, game developer turned consultant Joe Quidara shares his journey from putting out fires for game studios to helping studios accurately scope and fund their projects. He explains how developing deep expertise about the indie game industry allows him to quickly assess and advise studios, creating leverage in his consulting business.
[00:00:00] Introductions
[00:07:00] The size of the video game market
[00:10:00] What is indie game consulting?
[00:14:00] The appeal of weird, indie games
[00:19:00] What an indie game studio looks like
[00:23:00] From firefighting to preventing fires in game studios
[00:28:00] Helping studios accurately scope and fund projects
[00:32:00] Creating a sustainable indie game studio model
[00:35:00] Leveraging expertise to streamline the consulting process
[00:41:00] The benefits of specialization for consultants
[00:46:00] Keeping an open mind while leveraging expertise
[00:48:00] Conclusion
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