Born to Run inspired runners all over the world with its story of the Tarahumara Indians alongside Christopher McDougall’s quest to run with more joy and less pain. The follow up book digs into the details of training principles you can apply to your own running.
Joining us are Christopher McDougall and his longtime coach, Eric Orton. Their newest book - Born to Run 2 - lays out the path that McDougall followed as he went from chronically injured to successful ultrarunner.
Their new book helps runners revitalize their running through a combination of training principles and supplementary work that prepares the body to run efficiently. We focus on several important concepts of the Born to Run approach, including a “speed first” mentality, ways to instill better form, and how to use shoes and barefoot running to your advantage.
Whether you’re trying to bounce back from injury or find a new way to approach and improve your running, our conversation is filled with practical, actionable training philosophy, including:
- The value of working on speed before distance
- How faster running naturally enables better running form
- Ways that runners can analyze their own form and work on better technique
- The Rock Lobster cue you’ll never forget!
- What it means to have a supple body that is ready to run
- Practical ways to implement minimalist running, and how "supershoes" fit into the picture
I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did!
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