Deacon Tony Jones is back on the podcast for a Deacon's Meeting of sorts. He joins me in answering questions from the Homebrewed Community and we have ourselves a bunch of fun.
The questions for the fun came from the people. Topics we discuss include...
- hunting, fishing, and the land (our catch-up and outdoor stories occupy the first 25 minutes)
- Tony's return to ministry
- the changing shape of the local congregation
- Ground of Being &/or Personal Theism
- Scottish hoppy beer & the Herods... the book on the family
- Schleiermacher VS Kierkegaard
- the struggle to pray
A Few Previous Podcast Visits with Tony
Tony Jones is the author of Did God Kill Jesus? (HarperOne, 2015) and contributing writer to several outdoors periodicals. He’s written a dozen books, including The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier and The Sacred Way: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life, developed the iPhone app, hosts the Reverend Hunter Podcast, and teaches at Fuller Theological Seminary.
Tony is a sought after speaker and consultant in the areas of emerging church, postmodernism, and Christian spirituality, writing, and the outdoors. He served as a consultant on the television show, The Path, and he owns an event planning company, Crucible Creative.
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