Dr. Erika Bocknek (https://www.instagram.com/drerikaconvo/) is a university professor, family therapist, and mom of 3. She holds a master’s degree in Couples and Family Therapy, a doctorate in Child Development, and two postdoctoral fellowships in Child Psychiatry and Infant Mental Health. She is the Associate Editor of the Infant Mental Health Journal and serves on the editorial boards of Adversity and Resilience Science and Infancy. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed research papers and book chapters for professional audiences, and she has also written articles for parents that have been seen in PBS Newshour, Marketwatch, the San Francisco Chronicle, and K’veller. She is a well-regarded trainer and has taught audiences as diverse as the psychology department at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, early childhood educators in Metro Detroit, family court judges across the state of Michigan, and the Detroit Pistons marketing department.
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