How you brand yourself may be one of the most important parts of being a profitable motion designer.
There are so many ways to go about it though. Do you brand yourself as a studio?
Should you show more of your personality on social media? What about a logo? How do you stand out from the crowd?
Today’s guest is going to help us answer all these questions.
About Hollie Arnett
Hollie Arnett is a branding coach and strategist. She specializes in helping creatives brand their passion so that they can build a business that allows them to do the thing that they love.
The Central Elements of Any Good Brand
Hollie boils effective branding down to three main elements. The first is clarity.
Both you and your audience need to be clear on what you do and who you target.
Next is creativity. You need something to help you stand out as you convey your messaging.
Lastly, you need consistency. Being consistent with your messaging will help people remember and recognize you.
The Best Branding is Simple Branding
Creating a logo for yourself may seem intuitive for a motion designer.
However, it’s not always a simple task. Hollie suggests considering whether or not you even need a logo.
If it’s holding you back, skip it altogether. Or, just use your name in a font you like. Ultimately, your brand is much more than a logo.
To effectively build a recognizable personal brand, Hollie recommends keeping it simple and recognizable.
Just a few core colours and fonts along with some patterns and photos should help get your core message and identity across.
Keeping this consistent across all the channels you use will keep you recognizable and memorable.
How can you use branding to convey your identity as a creative? Leave a comment on the episode page!
What do you struggle with the most when identifying your brand? Leave a comment on the episode page!
Read the full show notes
Links and resources
Find Hollie Arnett online
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Additional resources
Podcast music licensed by Big Waves
Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative