We say web address but why don't we think about sites more like physical addresses we might own in a real estate portfolio?
Chelsea Clarke joins us today to show us just how powerful digital real estate can be (aka websites).
Back in 2012, Chelsea was laid off from her corporate marketing job unexpectedly. This experience taught her that being an employee was too risky. So she set out to take responsibility for her own wealth and became an entrepreneur.
She was determined to never have to return to working for anyone else again and launched HerPaperRoute as a way to share marketing and growth-hacking resources for other niche site investors.
In 2019, she'd go on to create an online marketplace for buying/selling websites at Niche Investor.
Chelsea found her niche and doubled down. She took a large but calculated risk and went all in on herself and building out this digital portfolio.
If you enjoyed this episode or maybe know someone who could use guidance in building their site or a jumpstart by purchasing an established site, share this episode with your network!
Links From the Episode
Her Paper Route
Niche Investor <- Website Marketplace
Chelsea's Instagram
Chelsea's TikTok
YouTube Interview
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