Speaker 1
And yet, our infrastructure is falling apart to the point we're having. How many? One thousand seven hundred and four train crashes per year. And some of them are leading to massive environmental catastrophes with toxic chemicals and hazardous waste traveling through cities. It's a lot to think about. I feel like Washington, even if this was national news, which it's not, then Washington would pick it up and throw it about and talk about it for a month or two and then move on to some other project and forget about it. It just doesn't feel like things are moving along. You know what I mean? I get demoralized. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I feel like the US system has been hijacked by people who have money. And you mentioned the debt that us have. I remember this, the previous finance minister of Greece, one said, imagine there are two huge peaks, two huge mountains in the world. One is debt. We have so much debt, right? And the other is a whole mountain of wealth concentrated in a few people's hands. Yeah. You can't say that US is not wealthy. US is very, very wealthy. It's still the wealthiest nation in the world. It's just wealth is so concentrated in the hands of a few people. And they become so powerful that people have money are so influential. They can literally, you know, buy their way into the government. Right? They so much money has spent lobbying, which I think in China will be literally illegal. And so much money is given to presidential candidates for their democratic election. Can anybody see flaws in that system? I'm certain the people of Ohio see the flaws in that system right now. A little bit more clearly now with the dark clouds over their sky. They can actually see things more clearly now. Well, hopefully more people. But then the question is, what can people do about it? Because the people, they don't have the power. They don't have the wealth to influence politics. They can complain. See, one funny thing, Jason, when we talk about freedom, right, in the West, in the US, you see people go on the street protesting, not just in the US, but also using funds in Europe. And it's a, in a way, it's a sign of health. My people have the right to voice their complaints. Right?