Today we are at the Hindu discussing a topic which has been making news since yesterday. It's been over 24 hours since Akshay Shinde, who was accused in the Badlapur rape case, was shot dead in a police encounter. The police have claimed that he was trying to run away and that he snatched the service revolver and thereafter the police had to shoot him down. This incident has clearly snowballed into a political controversy, not just in Maharashtra but far and wide. The Badlapur case has been in news for quite some time now after reports emerged from the couple about few minor girls who were sexually assaulted, allegedly by Akshay Shinde. The most important question about the incident that has been making news since yesterday is what does the law say when it comes to the security of the accused?
Guest: Mihir Desai, senior advocate, national vice president PUCL
Host: Vinaya Deshpande Pandit