Today’s episode is all about the complexities of life after ministry, exploring how the roles we inhabit can become intertwined with our identities. John discusses the importance of separating one's identity from his or her role, the challenges faced in transitioning from local church ministry, and the significance of cultivating deep and meaningful relationships. John shares insights from his own journey, emphasizing the necessity of vulnerability, intentionality, and daily obedience in serving God joyfully.
Welcome to episode 107 of the Leaders in Living Rooms podcast, with Sean Morgan.
Clinical Theology, by Frank Lake
If you’re a leader approaching a succession or transition. Or maybe you’re a few years in and beginning to see how complex transitions leadership is… go to The Art of Pastoral Succession and check out my brand new course in partnership with Carey Nieuwhof.
Are you in Transition or have one on the horizon? Check out our 2023 cohorts and get connected with us at:
John Ortberg is a pastor, author, and speaker. He’s been in ministry for over 40 years and teaches around a central theme of spiritual formation. John is a deep believer that the main thing God gets out of your life is the person you become. He desires for people to know God in an interactive, life-transforming way. Presently, John leads the ministry,, focused on leveraging online technology for life change and spiritual community.
Thanks to our sponsor: OneHope: OneHope’s mission is to reach every child and youth in the world with God’s Word through the global church. In 35 years of ministry OneHope has reached more than 2 billion young people with the Gospel. Learn how you and your church can get involved by visiting