Today, we reunite with fellow podcasters and homeschool moms, Maren Goerss and Angela Sizer. We dive into their new book, Think Differently About Learning: A Homeschool Where Children and Parents Thrive.
It can be all too easy for homeschooling families to unintentionally replicate the negative aspects of traditional schooling that they were trying to avoid: Cookie cutter approaches, stress, burnout, etc. Think Differently About Learning gives a roadmap for a more joyful approach.
We talk about building an appetite for learning by honoring learning differences, rest, and small wins. Plus, we discuss relying on relationships instead of rules to guide your child in decision-making. Themes of empowerment, pleasure, and wellness weave their way through our discussion.
What Maren and Angela have to say as former traditional teachers and experienced homeschoolers is refreshing, tangible, and inspiring. Enjoy!
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