This is a special episode of The Deal with Gené Teare, Senior Data Editor at Crunchbase News. Gené is a Silicon Valley veteran (she joined TechCrunch in 2008 to run Crunchbase, within 6 months of its founding) with extensive knowledge of the tech industry. Gené uses Crunchbase's extensive database to conduct strategic research on trends within private company data. She focuses in particular on global venture funding trends, artificial intelligence, fintech, AI, gender equity in tech and venture. (Gené leads the charge on Crunchbase News' monthly, quarterly, and annual VC funding reports.)
In this episode of The Deal, Gené breaks down the data behind fluctuations in today's venture capital landscape, how our current market contraction looks different from the dot-com bubble bust, her funding predictions for the remainder of 2023, and more.
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You can find Gené on Twitter @geneteare and LinkedIn.
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