In a world moving at breakneck speed, there’s nothing more important, more essential, than deep thinking and learning. Is this even possible any longer in a world of social media, where the old 24 hour news cycle seems like a golden age of serious attention spans? In a world where the highest pleasure is the dopamine hit of getting quick likes on Instagram or TikTok?
...Or maybe is the doom and gloom overstated, and our new world supplies possibilities for doing serious thought that weren’t possible in prior eras?
Either way, Good Faith Effort is the pod to get to the bottom of it, so Rabbi Lamm had on the most interesting person on Twitter, theological entrepreneur Zohar Atkins, to unpack all of this.
They talked about using Twitter for good; what poetry is about; why the thinker Maimonides is essential for today’s world; the role that Kabbalah played during the Scientific Revolution; and the eternal clash (or is it?!) between Athens and Jerusalem