Whether you like it or not, you automatically become THE Leader once you open a PT clinic. Along with learning how to own and run a PT clinic, it will take additional learning to become a competent leader, someone people are willing to follow. In this episode of the Physical Therapy Owners Club podcast, John Bradley breaks down key fundamental traits a good leader should have while Nathan shares his own experience related to his personal leadership development. John also shares books invaluable to his development as a leader, books that leaders and their teams would be wise to read together. So, jump into this insightful episode and become an effective and better leader with John Bradley today.
Want to talk about how we can help you with your PT business, or have a question you want to ask? Book a call with Nathan - https://calendly.com/ptoclub/discoverycall
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99.5% of successful owners interviewed on this podcast have at one time or another leveraged a business coach to improve their business. Private Practice Owners Club is coach you need - ppoclub.com