Do you get so consumed with the needs of others, that you lose sight of your own?
Do you struggle with focusing on caring for yourself?
There's no shame in codependency—I've struggled with it for years. And I believe nearly everyone struggles with it on some level. Learn the surprising antidote to codependency and how to take steps toward healthy dependence.
1. What is codependency?
2. What’s the difference between being kind and being codependent?
3. What are some examples of codependent behaviors?
4. 5 signs that you might have codependent tendencies.
5. 2 indicators you might be in a codependent relationship
6. 3 practical ways to move toward healthy dependence
Check out the Human Hope Podcast here
Key Takeaway: There’s a difference between being kind—and caring for someone else while causing harm to yourself.
Questions for reflection:
What keeps you from noticing and focusing on your own needs?
Which of the 3 steps offered at the end of this episode can you take to move toward healthy dependence?
You can find a list of all the resources mentioned in this episode at
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Music by Andy Luiten
Sound editing by Kelly Kramarik
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