While most people have heard the advice that being intriguing or a little mysterious is super attractive, most people don’t know how to playfully do this with their interactions. Or worse, they force it and it comes across as being disingenuous and actually turns people off. So this episode is a case study or analysis of how Steven and Brandie play and interact sexually. You will get to hear some examples of things that on the surface sound contradictory, but we will explain what’s going on and why these work. Because once you see the pattern and understand the concept, you will be able to apply the same ideas to your own flirting style. You will be able to draw people in and have your interactions be fun, engaging, and connecting - both in and out of the bedroom!
Record your favorite flirting tip for us to play on the podcast! If you have a flirting or seduction tip that you would like to share with the community, please leave us a voice mail and we’d love to play it on the show! We are all in this together and different perspectives can make a huge difference. Just go to ethicalseduction.com and click on the link to leave us your favorite tip!
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Ethical Seduction