"Can we make journalism that is safe to write and safe to read? Can we have publishing that is along the lines of the original visions of the internet?"
How can we improve the reliability and privacy of our internet today?
Brewster Kahle is an American computer engineer and Internet entrepreneur, and advocate of universal access to all knowledge. Kahle founded the Internet Archive and Alexa. He has also been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.
In this episode, Brewster Kahle, founder of The Internet Archive, advocates for a more decentralized internet by having a peer-to-peer backend of the internet. This could help us improve the state of the internet today, both in terms of privacy and reliability.
I Knew a Guy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Session Summary: Brewster Kahle | Locking the Web Open | VISION WEEKEND 2019 - Foresight Institute
The Foresight Institute is a research organization and non-profit that supports the beneficial development of high-impact technologies. Since our founding in 1987 on a vision of guiding powerful technologies, we have continued to evolve into a many-armed organization that focuses on several fields of science and technology that are too ambitious for legacy institutions to support.
Allison Duettmann is the president and CEO of Foresight Institute. She directs the Intelligent Cooperation, Molecular Machines, Biotech & Health Extension, Neurotech, and Space Programs, Fellowships, Prizes, and Tech Trees, and shares this work with the public. She founded Existentialhope.com, co-edited Superintelligence: Coordination & Strategy, co-authored Gaming the Future, and co-initiated The Longevity Prize.
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