Many an emergency manager aspires to become a local emergency management director for a city or county. One such individual who has only recently become a local director is Kyle Bustad, Manager for the
Thurston County Emergency Management.In this podcast we discuss his approach to taking over the reins of an agency and what he sees as the challenges and hopes for moving forward as a local director. Kyle is well spoken, and I know you will enjoy hearing what he has to share.
Merit is a first-of-its-kind, all-hazards, digital credentialing platform that equips emergency responders with innovative tools to securely manage their personnel on-site, no matter the situation. Merit's platform is relied on in mission-critical situations such as the Surfside building collapse and at secure Health and Human Service facilities and is trusted by a growing network of thousands of partners.
Eric Holdeman is a professional emergency manager who is passionate about providing information that can help families, businesses & governments become better prepared for disasters of all types. Hear first hand expert insights from Eric on his
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