Fireside chats are a collection of conversational, off-topic episodes hosted by Greg Nuckols. In Fireside Chat #13, Greg sits down with Eric Trexler to discuss cooking, leisure time activities (other than exercise), organization and efficiency tips, the loneliness epidemic, and a bunch of other miscellaneous topics.
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Intro/Announcements (0:00)
What seems difficult to cook or bake, but is actually pretty easy and worth trying? (2:19)
What is the worst meal you’ve ever cooked? (19:35)
What is the worst thing you’ve ever smelled? (29:13)
What are some organizational habits you employ that improve your work, learning, or life? (38:03)
What are your thoughts on the "loneliness epidemic"? (55:21)
How might you spend your extra leisure time during a layoff from training? (1:13:58)
Do you feel like you've accomplished all the major life goals you set for yourself as a kid? (1:27:38)
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- BulkSupplements: Next time you stock up on supplements, be sure to use the promo code “SBSPOD” (all caps) to get 5% off your entire order.
- MASS Research Review: Subscribe to the MASS Research Review to get concise and applicable breakdowns of the latest strength, physique, and nutrition research – delivered monthly.