This week I have another guest from my hometown of Winnipeg, Father Jay Korban.
Newly ordained and now overseeing a dozen parishes in the rural areas of Manitoba, Father Korban and I talk about his journey into the priesthood and how it’s been a life calling. We talk a lot about growing up and experiencing different parts of Canada, particularly Winnipeg and Ottawa (we even come up with an idea for how Winnipeg can solve its flooded river-walkway!) and talk a lot about Jay’s experience in the Ottawa seminary, that is, school for future priests.
This is probably one of the best conversations I’ve had as it is probably the most informative and real-world talk about Catholicism, the Church, the life of a priest, and the role of faith in the world. I don’t let Jay off the hook very easily in this and I bring up a lot of questions and concerns that I myself have encountered over the years and throughout my travels. Everything from the more serious questions of what do priest’s do, the meaning of the Bible, and what if God was/is an alien to what make a priest laugh and what music do they listen to after a day of work?
This episode you have to listen to in its entirety. I hesitate making show notes for this one because I think it is that important to listen to what is said. That being the case, to make it easier on you I can say that the first 40 minutes or so is us talking about life around Canada and then we switch to more of about Fr. Korban’s entry into and graduation from the seminary.
You can get in touch in Father Jay Korban through his parish’s Facebook page, And, as always, let me know what you think, tweet or email me @THEStevenSirski.
Show notes up at