I just released my latest book, When Life Begins to Whisper: A Journey Beyond Answers! 🎉
To celebrate, I’m doing a massive giveaway! You’ll have the chance to win:
- A personalized autographed copy of When Life Begins to Whisper.
- And a 60-minute Zoom call with me to talk about anything—your journey, the book, or whatever’s on your mind.
Here’s how to enter: From now until December 19th, post something on social media about any of my books—whether it’s When Life Begins to Whisper or Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted—and make sure to tag me. That’s it!
About The Book: I wrote this book for the seekers, the wonderers, and those who feel deeply. It’s not for those looking to skim the surface of life. It’s for those seeking the depths!
This isn’t a book about quick fixes or life hacks—It is an exploration of those edges where life strips us bare and forces us to confront what truly matters.
It’s a journey through pain, awakening, awareness, and love—four forces that shape us, break us, and rebuild us.
I took When Life Begins to Whisper and plugged it into Google’s new AI, NotebookLM. It generated an incredible podcast-style conversation about the book that I think you’ll love and I'm sharing it on this episode as well!
Are you a high performer ready to take your work and life to the next level? Discover how my executive performance coaching can help you achieve your goals. Learn more at www.SeanDeLaneyCoaching.com.