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Jane Baker eat your chest? I mean, what else are you supposed to do with medical waste in a hospital and I mean in a prison
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situation? He talked about how he started taking bites of his own. We don't, that's okay. We're going to skip that question. People are, feel free to Google, did Sarah Jane Baker eat her own testicles? This other article talks about
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Yes, Kate. Here's another article from the Daily Mail. A hospital worker kidnapped and tortured by a transgender activist who told a cheering crowd at a rally to punch chirps in the face. Today branded her a
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dangerous violent individual. Darren Char- A hospital worker kidnapped and tortured by, is
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that the same transgender activist or is that a different transgender activist? No, this is one of Sarah Jane Baker's victims. Darren Charred in 52 spoke publicly for the first time of how he feared he would die after being savagely beaten and tormented during 24 hours held captive by Sarah Jane Baker and her brother. Now he is hit out at the zealot over her inflammatory arguments against feminist critical of trans ideology.
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So, man, you know, you do not often hear about women committing crimes like this. Yeah, it's unusual. Women are more likely to do things like not pay their BBC licensing fee. Or emotional warfare.
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Or torture people emotionally. Or not go out with me. Like really bad stuff like that. Um, so after this very violent, dangerous, unstable individual publicly calls for violence against women who don't have the correct views on gender. Uh, what's interesting is that they're, unless I'm missing something and I did ask on Twitter, for examples, there was almost no response from like her quote unquote side pointing out that maybe you shouldn't call for violence. There was this. Well,
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Jesse, maybe you should call for violence
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sometimes. Maybe. But this, uh, Milly Mouthe response from Clive Lewis, a labor MP advocating violence against others is wrong and this is no exception. But as you'll be aware, violent language and actions are not unique to one side on this issue. That doesn't justify the above in any way, but it does require we acknowledge the general toxicity and step back from it.