Do you ever feel as if your future is already written? In this beautiful message from Mosaic Conference 2018, Pastor Erwin McManus reveals how all of us are co-authors of the future. The future is not a concrete reality, but history that is ready to be created.
Out of 1 Corinthians 2, Pastor Erwin explains that we can have access to the story God is telling because we have the Spirit of God inside of us. In our connection to God, we are able to create history the way God intended: a history filled with hope, joy and imagination.
God gives us access to the eternal story he is writing into history in the present moment. Though we can feel limited by our circumstances, we are not trapped in time and space. We have access to the mind of God, who is eternal. Our lives are meant to be a portal between the present moment and the beautiful story that God is telling through us.
If you need a new perspective that brings hope to your view of the future, this message is for you!