What is the Enneagram Head Triad? How do knowing the triads help you with personal growth? Beth and Jeff McCord discuss the head triad, it’s types, their functions, and how to use it for personal awareness and growth.
Free Podcast Resources: https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com/podcastresources
The Enneagram is split into three triads being the Gut (8, 9, 1), Heart (2, 3, 4), and Head (5, 6, 7). We can group the nine personality Types in many ways. The most common one is by Triads (groupings of three). The three Types in each Triad share common assets and liabilities. For each person, one triad is more dominant than the other two, and that is where their main Type resides.Though we could name many different Triads within the Enneagram (and will do so later on), the most well-known is the Centers of Intelligence Triad. Within this Triad, an emotional imbalance, as well as a common desire, drives each Enneagram Type. A person will process, react, and respond to life from their Center of Intelligence first.
Renee Bethel (Type 5):
Website - https://www.findingmechristiancoaching.com
IG: findingmechristiancoaching
FB: FindingMeChristianCoaching
Adam Breckenridge (Type 6):
Social Media: @adambreckenridge https://www.facebook.com/adam.breckenridge.1
Directory Page -https://myenneagramcoach.com/coach/adam-breckenridge/
Kasey Brennan, certified enneagram coach (Type 7):
Social Media: @kaseyeldridgebrennan
Website: Thejoyfulwild.com :
Find your Enneagram type here: https://assessment.yourenneagramcoach.com/
Free Enneagram Coaching Mini Course: https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com/minicourse
Order Beth and Jeff’s new book, More Than Your Number: https://amzn.to/3z9OZ7e
Discover your Type, learn what it means, and transform your life with the Discovering You course: https://www.yourenneagramcoach.com/discoveringyou
Learn how your Enneagram Type affects your marriage with Beth and Jeff’s book, Becoming Us: https://amzn.to/3vEhyrh
#Enneagram #EnneagramHeadTriad #PersonalityType