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Blaise Pascal is famous for saying “all of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
What is it that’s so uncomfortable about sitting quietly in a room alone? Our rampage of thoughts, of course.
What do we do when we want to punish our worst societal offenders? We lock ‘em up and put ‘em in solitary…where they have no escape from themselves or tbeir thoughts.
Harvard professor Dan Gilbert, ran an interesting experiment with some of his college students that reinforced this sentiment.
He took a group of students and put them in a room for multiple hours, with absolutely nothing to do and no forms of stimulation (no phones, nothing to read or write with etc).
The situation became so uncomfortable for many of the students that some of them even elected to receive minor but uncomfortable shock treatments …because that shock somehow represented an upgrade from the discomfort they were experiencing internally.
All of this evidence points to a need to work much more effectively with our thoughts.
And who better to come teach us about thoughts, then one of my closest friends, Cory Muscara.
- Cory is a renowned mindfulness teacher and co-founder of mindfulness.com
- His meditations have been heard over 20 million times in over 100 countries
- He’s the author of best selling book Stop Missing Your Life
- He’s lived as a monk in Burma where he spent 6 months in complete silence
- He’s also picked up about 175,000 followers since his last appearance on this show a couple of years ago
- How to step outside of your mind when its rampaging
- Compassionate and practical ways to work with an agitated mind
- Techniques to work with scary feelings
- A 2 word mantra to calm a freaked out mind
Cory teaches many live masterclasses, by far his most popular of which is Working With Thoughts, of which you’re getting a taste of today.