There are several specific ways to generate feelings of attraction in other people. If you flip these switches, they will be drawn to you! However if you approach and communicate poorly, such as bragging about how awesome you are, you will accidentally turn people off. This episode will give you the best technique for creating attraction and explain the difference between what works and what does not. By the end of the podcast you will know what to do and what to avoid when flirting and getting to know someone.
Referenced article from article titled “The 8 most attractive qualities people look for in a partner”.
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Let’s develop your customized Attraction Plan, so you can start attracting the people you want, quicker and easier! It starts with a 30 minute Coaching Session to figure out your most attractive traits. Then we apply that knowledge to develop a customized Attraction Plan for you to use in your interactions. Click here to Book a Coaching Session!
Ethical Seduction - Live the life you want, with the people you want.