Speaker 2
So our last question is from dug, who wants to know, say november brings the senate to the dums and the house farly to the republicans, then presumably legislation acota firo and the john lowis voting act would be dead for two years in the new session. Yet there would still be almost two months of the current session left. Wiuth the prospect of two years of crazy enough republican house proposals be enough to get cinama and mansion to finally break the filbuster for those two huge legislative priorities?
Speaker 1
I think the answers just, know, can't imagine. Ami, unfortunate. I think they answers just now, you know, who knows? Maybe, i mean, hopefullyi can't imagine what would, what would change? Am, it's also, like, it also kind of depends, like, if, if, if the result is one re say, wow, you know, they still lost the house, but democrats, what a comebact. Greatest come back ever. Then maybe it is, you know, half % versus no %, right? But politicians, for whatever reason, are very like, if the democrats get demolished, there's no way that those two are gong to be like p no more philibuster. Let's let's, let's get down to business here. That's just not, that's not how anybody war. I think, i think the answer is no. I
Speaker 2
mean, i think that if those two pieces of legislation in particular were actually important to these two senators, and they would have already passed, you know, i don't think the prospect of a republican takeover in congress is not one that is foreign to them. And i don't think having the spectre of that looming closer would kind of change their priorities, because those would be the actions of some one who either, a, took those issues very seriously, or b, a, the future of the party was very important to them. And i just don't think that either of those are true for either of these senators. So i don't, i don't think the prospect of a republic can take over is maybe even one that they are superconcerned about. I mean, maybe to the degree that it makes them a little less important, but i'm sure they'll just start kind of kno, hobnobbing with the republicans to to present themselves as well. Maybe we're the cross over votes when you guys get the house, you know. Soyo, i don't, i don't see any situation where these two kind of change their stripes at this point in the game. I
Speaker 1
completely agree. And i think the only time something like that would have happened would have been, like, in the month after the minni b b b passed, because suddenly everybody's, everybody's excited, everybody's friends again. Look what we can do. Elections have consequences. That was the time where you'd kind of say like, you know what? Let's let's do it. Ah, but it didn't happen, so it's not going to happen. Wamp, wamp. Wamp. Wamp. Seriously, seriously, wamping. I'm even self wamping, which is like against ah. So anyway, i guess that's about it for us for this week. Remember that the josh marshal podcast has brought you by grady's cold brew ice coffee. You can get 25 % off if you use the promo code t p m. And that is that's it. All
Speaker 2
right. Se next week later, the josh marshal podcast is hosted by me, t p m reporter kate rega and t p m founder editor in chief, josh marshall. The show is produced by jackie wilhelm. Thanks to why not jan spelled for our podcast theme song. And thanks to all our t p m members who make this possible. Rate and review us on apple podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.