This is a public episode. If you want to hear more episodes, you can find them on our patrion. The discord for beyon pleasure principle ith starting soon. We're doing o ka, so we want to gjak's 20 20 book. It says on the inner page, but i distinctly remember buying it in 20, ninet. I am, i thought i was swerng 19 as well, but maybe the lit eknow it's like te car release. It's always the next year. This is sex in the field absolute by slaboy. And i have said this on the pal gas a number of times. But maybe some people hate listons
This week the fellas talk Žižek's use of the Möbius strip. Žižek writes that "the Möbius strip stands for the basic dynamics of the order of being, for what was traditionally called the dialectical 'coincidence of opposites'". While working through the concept, &SoOn talks art, Top Gun, and Midnight In Paris.
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