Speaker 1
If you want to contact the help desk, Kathy, because you're an old and dear customer and friend, I'll see what I can do. Hit us up in the help desk. Is your e-book updated for AI? No, not yet. But it will be in the next year. If you're talking about seven-day e-book, it will be in the next year or so. Just got a lot of things I got to get done. Cool. So hey, real quick, Jim, before we move on, where do you see the future of AI going for what we are doing with our business? I think two things are going to happen. OK. Let me get to a blank one. Well, a few things are going to happen. OK, one, I think we're going to see a situation where we're getting better results. Let me zoom in. So just better results, OK? More human-like. OK, number two, I think you're going to see a lot more integration with images and video. So what I'd love to see, like right now with the genies, I can write the blocks and stuff and then shoot them into a PowerPoint or a DOCX file or an HTML file. I can shoot them into these things. But what I'd love to see is, OK, write me a script and then ram it over into this other software and have it make a talk and head video that sounds like me and looks like me. Now, that is available now. But it's not integrated. But there's a service. I signed up for it for a while. But then I was like, on the flip side, it's just as easy for me personally to just write, descriptive, record the damn video. At some point, it's like, I can walk myself to the fridge to get the beer. I don't necessarily need the Roomba to come over, it'd take longer for the Roomba to come pick me up, drive me over to the fridge, open it up, hand me the beer, pop the thing, and let me drink it. I can just walk over and grab the beer. But I think there'll be a lot more integration with other tools. That's the biggie that I see. But I also think that the big thing is people figuring out how to put personality and put their persona into everything.