Speaker 2
i'm going to wang to die on this upcoming hill. Then upcoming hich
Speaker 2
Yes, the hill that i am about to charge, i'm going to be willing to die on it. If you fight me on this hill.
Speaker 2
hates griffindore, and that is evidenced in the way that he is. Like, i think that harry is probably innocent, but he should probably be benched from the quittet team anyway. And i think sports fans often hate other sports fans simply for existing. You are from philadelphia, and therefore you are an eagle's fan, and therefore i hate you. This is just hatred. He's like,
Speaker 1
i think, i think snake is childish, not hateful, right? I think that he, he still bears resentment, justified resentment, from for the way he was bullied as a child by griffendores. And so he still has reason to be mean and petty towards griffindors. But the fact that he does all this work to try to protect them, also, on the sly means that he doesn't actually wish for the annihilation of griffendore house, or even any particular griffendors. I
Speaker 2
think he wishes for the annihilation of them on the sports pitsur. And i think that it being figurative, stillin capslates
Speaker 4
hate in a figurative, iad ause the rightb in
Speaker 2
a figurative sense. But, but there's no other word for it. You simply want the annihilation, because of, right, to quote jerry seinfeld, like to quote the laundrys, the other idety that they're wearingim, i think, yes. But i think that it's,
Speaker 1
again, this is, it's, it's a figure of usage, right? But, like, what they want, is what snipe wants, is for griffnor to be embarrassed, to be belittled, to be right, to be made small, to be to be made small, which is the way he what he experienced, right? Not.