This episode goes out to anyone who’s ever found yourself sucked into a marketing funnel, watching yet another free webinar, desperately trying to unsubscribe from the dozen follow-up emails, and finally getting free just to find your head spinning from everything you “should” be doing to grow your business.
I’ve started thinking of this as the “insta-bae business phenomenon” AKA the way online biz influencers sell quick fixes, ten-step solutions, and easy results with pretty promises and even prettier graphics.
So in today’s episode, I’m unpacking what I think an “insta-bae business” is and the three insta-bae business traps I see too many small business owners fall prey to.
Join me to learn how to…
- Stop believing you need a certain number of followers to sell things 💯
- Quit measuring your success by vanity metrics 📈
- Start pricing based on your value NOT your follower count 💲
👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today.
🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media. ✨