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In the fourth installment of Heavenly Homeland we focus exclusively on the former President Donald Trump and his perceived hold on evangelicals. Drawing from the dramatic biblical account of the choice between Barabbas and Jesus, this discussion delves into the echoes of this ancient decision in today's fervent political landscape, where the lines between spiritual faith and political allegiance are often blurred.
Our guests, including Dr. Andrew Whitehead, an associate professor of sociology and an authority on Christian nationalism and Dr. David Gushee, a distinguished professor of Christian ethics, share their expertise on the allure of political power, the rise of Christian nationalism, and the ethical dilemmas faced by believers in the political arena today.
Through their commentary, we explore how evangelical support for figures like Donald Trump—a symbol of immediate, worldly justice—making the connection to Barabbas even more relevant. Other guests like Dr. Steven Hassan, America's leading cult expert; Dr. Renee Carr, a clinical psychologist with deep insights into the psychology of politics and religion; and André Gagné, Ph.D.,Professor of Theological Studies tackle the complex dynamics of idolizing political leaders, the intertwining of faith and nationalism, and the moral and spiritual comparisons to other characters in the Bible.
We end the episode with Amanda Carpenter, author of the book "Gaslighting America: Why We Love It When Trump Lies to Us" who discusses how Trump uses gaslighting to trick and deceive many of his followers.
Listen to the full interview with each of our guests:
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