Speaker 1
It can be a political movement that suddenly has all the answers and knows who were the enemies are. It happened when national socialism in germany was an infection of a collective mental virus, soviet communism, which started, of course, with good intentions, but of course, had been absolutely no change in consciousness of good intentions. And not enough, unless there's a shift in consciousness, good intentions will lead you to more suffering. If there's no shift in consciousness, or soviet communism became an awful thing, and it took over as, again, a collective mental barris. China, under mount etun a collective avirus. Millions and millions died in china, in cocodovi comunision, obviously, natsi. Germany, millions and millions. Under moutse tonge, children would denounce their parents. If the child was unhappy their parents, they would go to somebody at sconsenan parnt, saying this and that. The next day they would be taken away to a labor camp and never be seen again. Total insanity. Flowers were declared illegal. They'de to tear out all the flowers. Bourgeois infection. We don't want flowers, just countless things being taken over by an entire nation being taken over by a mental obsessed with certain mind forms. And then it passes. And last a couple of decades. In soviet commune lasted fairly long. National socialism, the one thousand year rit lasted donad 15 years or something. Soi it runs its course. And then, like a virus infection, after a while the virus disappears, and a semblance of sanity returns, durtly, sanity compared to what was there before, the normal insanity that's part of the normal state of consciousness, but not the extreme unconsciousness that can take over when thought form becomes a virus. And of course, it happens to individuals. They have then they interpret the world through their mental virus. You might have certain ideas, if you go in the internet too much, andyo, you might see things that sudden putif the vilest infection can happen by looking up certain things on the internete and you suddenly believe totally in whatt this. It could be a total fantasy, but it looks so convincing that it becomes a thought form in your mind, and then from there it grows. And after that, you only have contact with those peoplewo are also infected by that thought form. And you think that becomes an new reality. That is the case with many conspiracy theories.